Coronavirus Cleaning & Disinfecting Service - Philadelphia, PA
The COVID-19 pandemic has most likely had a significant impact on your business. Whether you’re experiencing a full shutdown or you’re an essential service, thorough disinfection is required to feel confident that your employees and customers can safely return to your business.
We follow all CDC Recommendations for safety and effectiveness. This means we use hospital-grade disinfectants with a broad kill claim and apply them to all surfaces for the appropriate recommended times.
Trust The Professionals
Terminators is offering comprehensive disinfecting services to business facilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a pest control company, we are uniquely positioned to provide these services since we have always done disinfecting as part of our regular pest control integrated pest management (IPM) services.
As part of our normal day, we work with chemicals, wear protective suits, and pay attention to detail. Our staff are fully licensed and trained in working with biological contaminants and following the protective protocol set forth by the CDC. We also possess all of the tools, chemicals, sprayers and foggers that the general public or house cleaner can’t get their hands on. In short, we are the most prepared to offer these services in this time of crisis.
Currently, we are disinfecting a large number of office buildings, medical offices, restaurants, and almost all other business facilities throughout Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. Our comprehensive process involves our team disinfecting every surface including high touch surfaces like:
For restaurants, we wipe down all surfaces with a hospital-grade solution that kills a broad spectrum of pathogens. For non-food locations such as offices, we combine this with the use of a ULV fogger to completely cover every surface that could potentially have germs, viruses, or bacteria.
Specialized Approved EPA Hospital-Grade Disinfectant Products Against COVID-19
The CDC recommends using hospital grade disinfectants with a broad kill claim that’s designed to kill similar pathogens and viruses. While there is not yet a chemical that has been tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are using hospital grade cleaners and following all CDC guidelines. The CDC guidelines are the cutting edge and most effective standard we have. As such, Terminators staff are following these guidelines and recommendations closely throughout the entire process.
The Coronavirus is quickly spreading throughout the country. That’s why it's critical for all business owners who have had anyone in their business - whether employees or customers - to have their offices, restaurants, etc. completely cleaned and sanitized. The Coronavirus can live on surfaces for several days and having your facility cleaned can help to prevent the virus from spreading even more. We’re a local company in Philadelphia and we service all of the surrounding areas as well. Give us a call now for an immediate quote.
Cleaning Vs. Disinfecting
Cleaning is the process of removing visible dirt, dust, grime, etc. from surfaces. Surfaces need to be cleaned prior to disinfecting and if cleaning is needed, there may be an additional charge. Disinfecting, on the other hand, is the process of adding EPA registered, hospital-grade chemicals to wet surfaces and allowing them to sit long enough to kill the virus which follows CDC guidelines. We clean all surfaces and focus heavily on high-touch/high-contact surfaces throughout your facility to ensure proper cleaning and disinfecting. Our team also adheres to CDC guidelines for personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure the safety of our team and customers at all times.
Properly Disinfecting Coronavirus
- All disinfecting chemicals are EPA registered, CDC approved, and have a broad spectrum kill claim.
- All staff wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) in compliance with CDC recommendations.
- Infected materials are properly cleaned, disinfected, and disposed of.
- We follow strict coronavirus demobilization processes for all equipment, vehicles, and waste management.
We have over 40 years of experience in servicing thousands of businesses in diverse industries throughout Philadelphia and the Greater Delaware Valley. We have the expertise and the right tools to ensure your business is protected from the threats that can jeopardize your business and put your staff and clients at risk.
Don’t take chances with your staff, clients, or business. Call Terminators now to schedule a professional disinfecting service.
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