Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Terminators & Integrated Pest Management

At Terminators Pest Control, keeping pests away is our business. And with over 30 years of experience, we're pretty good at our jobs. We stay on the cutting edge of pest management practices and one of the best practices is integrated pest management (IPM). IPM is designed to prevent overspraying, protect our environment, and encourage the expansion of natural predators that kill the common pests we spray for every day. By practicing IPM, we're contributing to a healthier environment for you, your family, and all future generations. We integrate these practices into every job we do and we would love to show you how. Give us a call now to get a free quote or schedule a service. 

What Is IPM? 

Integrated pest management is the process of focusing on a long-term approach to pest management. Instead of dousing the area with chemicals or the "spray and pray" approach, we leverage a variety of techniques which are more effective in both the short and long term. 

Pesticides are used for removing targeted pests which are a problem and we apply spraying techniques that are designed to reduce the risk to humans, pets, and the environment. 

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beautiful pennsylvania house street view

How Does IPM Work?

Pesticides aren't the only way to remove pests. In fact, IPM leverages four scientifically proven methods that work together to control pests more effectively in both the short and long term. Below are the four pieces of integrated pest management and a high level overview of how each one works. When used together, they work to control pests more effectively and make your home safer for you and your family. 

Bed of flowers in philadelphia


Biological control mechanisms involve plant and animal species that reduce the occurrence of pests. We don't plant the plants, but we can advise you on what you need.  

two metal trash cans


We advise you on the best practices for minimizing food, water, and shelter sources for pests. This may include proper trash removal & storage, reducing watering, and many other best practices to reduce pest habitats.

mouse trap


Mechanical controls involve the use of traps to catch or prevent pests. A good example of this would be a rat trap. It doesn't require chemicals and makes the environment unfriendly for rodents. 

pest control tech spraying around windows in philly


The chemical aspect of IPM is the use of pesticides to exterminate and prevent harmful pests. We use the effective dose and always make it a point to avoid overspraying. 

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