Wasp & Yellowjacket Extermination

wasp and hornet extermination philadelphia

Wasp Extermination Philadelphia

Hornets are a serious problem for us and not fun to have in your yard. They’re incredibly fast, irritable, and they can bite many times over. Fortunately, controlling hornets doesn’t have to be difficult with the proper pest control measures in place. We offer extermination and pest control for wasps, hornets, and all stinging insects. This includes removing their nests which can grow to enormous sizes if left unchecked.

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To learn more about hornets and wasps in Philadelphia, keep reading...

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Types of hornets we typically deal with

Below are a few of the hornet species we deal with:

  • Bald-faced hornets
  • Ground-nesting wasps
  • Mud dauber wasps
  • Paper wasps
  • Eastern yellowjacket
  • German yellowjacket

Hornets, wasps, and yellowjackets

Hornets and wasps are actually the same. They’re referred to with either name interchangeably. However, they’re not the same as yellowjackets which are actually a close cousin. 

All of these stinging insects are found in Philadelphia and the northern hemisphere as a whole. They like to build their nests both above ground and below. Their above ground nests can be found hanging from tree branches, overhangs, and even in attics. Their below-ground nests can be found in abandoned rodent burrows, in fields, gardens, and in many other places which can be a problem. If you ever run past and disturb one of these nests, you’re in for a serious surprise that’s not fun.

Hornet life cycle

The nest typically begins with a queen that finds a sheltered place to begin her hive. She’ll start out with a few dozen cells made from tree bark to form a honeycomb-like structure. She then lays her eggs within each cell of the structure and those eggs hatch within 5-8 days. For the following few weeks, those larvae mature into adult waspa. Those wasps are generally workers which then undertake the task of expanding the hive.

This routine continues indefinitely until they either get exterminated or they reach peak hive size which can be as many as 700. If left untreated at your home or property you don’t typically visit, these nests can become absolutely massive and require full bee-suite to remove them.

Hornet habitats

Hornets can be found in many different habitats. Often, they’ll form nests in fields, woods, orchards, trees, playgrounds, and parks. They can also form their nests in garages, overhangs, and many other areas commonly trafficked by humans.

Hornet feeding routines

Wasps prefer nectar and sugar-filled plant food. This is why you’ll often find them around trash cans with rotting fruits, oak trees feeding on sap, and orchards where fruit grows. Hornets will also feed on insects like honey bees, locusts, and grasshoppers.

Wasp and hornet pest control

If you’re dealing with hornets or yellowjackets at your house, it's important to have a professional come and inspect the problem.  You may have sources of food for the pest that you’re unaware of or even larger nests forming in multiple places. As you probably know, their sting hurts like the dickens so having them on your property is a big problem for anyone who likes to be outside - especially children. Children are generally the ones who stumble upon their nests and end up being stung repeatedly.

We offer treatment for hornets, yellowjackets, and all forms of problem insects. If you’ve noticed these critters flying around your home, give us a call for a free quote.

Call Now For a Free Estimate: (215) 781-3115

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(215) 781-3115

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